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SAGE COMMUNITY 2024 Fall Term Class Schedule


FALL TERM TUESDAYS OCTOBER 1 - November 12, 2024


9:00 am-10:00 am

HARRIS   (New) Seated Qigong and Taiji – Class Limit 18

FROMET  (New) The History of American Politics

COHEN  Birding in Northeast Ohio

10:10 am-11:10 am

STADELMAN  Through the Eyes of the Artist

BURTNER   (New) Debating the Future of Religion

FROMET  (New) Current Events

11:20 am-12:20 pm

SCHECTER  (New) Teddy Roosevelt and the Panama Canal

KERNEN  What If...? A Continued Exploration

BURGESS  (New) Three Comedy Films with Dark Histories

12:25 pm-1:10 pm


1:20 am-2:20 pm

SMITH Journey of the Soul

BHATIA  Reading and Reflection

NEMETH  (New) Let’s Go into the Way Back Machine!

MARKS  (New) Americans in Paris (Oct 1, 8, 15)

BARNETT  (New) Do the Right Thing (Oct 22, 29, Nov 5, 12)

2:30 pm-3:30 pm

MURPHY  (New) What's Happening in Hudson (Oct 1)

TOREM  Somatic Symptoms: Red Alarms vs. Wait & Reassess (Oct 8, 15, 22, 29, Nov 5, 12)

SMITH  History of Christianity: Anti-Semitism in History

WILES  (New) Moments in Music: Echoes of Paris

ALEXANDER THE GREAT AND THE LIBRARY OF ALEXANDRIA / Charlene R. Mileti, BFA, MA, J.D. In the 3rd century b.c., Alexander the Great, founded the city in which the infamous Library of Alexandria was built. Both the city and library attracted the greatest scholars of the known world. The library held thousands of scrolls from Ancient Greece, Rome and Mesopotamia. Scholars had access to all available knowledge at the time. Subjects included philosophy, science, politics, medicine, religion and literature. A millennia after its tragic destruction, the Library of Alexandria continues to captivate the imagination. AMAZING THEORIES OF SCIENCE AND THEOLOGY / Ted Smith, BS Is the universe just a hologram? Is God’s explicit name written into human DNA? Is it possible to inject one’s consciousness into a machine? These are just a few of the cutting-edge ideas that scientists are proposing with a straight face. We will explore these theories and others for their societal and spiritual implications. FOUNDERS OF RELIGIONS / Hugh Burtner, Ph.D. We will assess available historical information about four of our religious traditions. They include Confucius the Sage, Goutama the Buddha, both from East Asia, then Jesus the Christ and Muhammed the Prophet, from West Asia. Our aim is to tell the story of their exemplary lives using the best historical data. FOUR SPECIAL TOPICS / Various This course will offer a new topic each week. The topics and speakers include: 1.Animal Communication presented by Judith A. Wade, Reiki Master, B.A. Journalism. 2.Insider’s View of Ohio Legislature by Casey Weinstein, State Senator. 3.Mediation Medley by Margo Kernen, M.S.Ed 4.A final lecture TBA. MOMENTS IN MUSIC / Edward Wiles, MA, Music Ed., MA, Church Music Moments in Music with Ed Wiles: The Opulence of Vienna at its height; music and culture that inspired the term <Classical>. We will explore music, culture and art that surrounded 1800. Ed Wiles and the Aurora Street Werks play music to delight and inform. NEWS AND VIEWS / Ted Chandler, Ph.D. & Carole Rice, Adv. Toastmaster An open forum where the students decide the topics. Suggested topics each week may focus on global, national, regional and local social and political issues. There is much to discuss this session.   PERICLES AND THE BIRTH OF THE FIRST DEMOCRACY / Charlene R. Mileti, BFA, MA, J.D. Athens, Greece rejected the oppressive rule of kings in 510 b.c. and the world’s first democracy began to emerge. By 450 b.c. Athens had flourished under the leadership of Pericles and was the intellectual and commercial center of the world. This course examines the birth of the democratic Athenian republic and the reasons for its demise. READING AND REFLECTION / Neelam Bhatia, M.Ed. A lively discussion group as participants share their opinions and experiences related to selected books. 1.Plays Well with Others by Eric Barker 2.TBA ST. PATRICK TO AUDIE MURPHY: IRISH INFLUENCE ON AMERICAN CULTURE / Ted Smith, BS Every March people of all backgrounds celebrate the son of a Roman tax collector who was kidnapped and sold into slavery. In time he single-handedly turned his captors and their nation to monotheism (and preserved much of Rome’s knowledge during Medieval Times). SEATED INTRO TO QIGONG AND TAIJI (TAI CHI) / Gary A. Harris, BSEE Certified Member of American Tai Chi Qigong Assoc. This 4-week class will be divided into two sections. There will be two weeks of intro to Qigong followed by two weeks of intro to Taiji (Tai Chi). At the beginning of each class there will be 10 to 15 minutes of easy warm up exercises. We will be seated for each class, but members are allowed to and encouraged to try the movements. Handouts of the Qigong exercises and the Taiji movements will be given out during the first class. THE POWER OF POSITIVE / Devi (Devyani) Gursahaney, MSW, MOD What makes you fulfilled and happy? Do you ever ask yourself, “What makes my heart sing?” Is your level of happiness predetermined by your genetic makeup? Who really controls your happiness? Each week Devi will share insights and simple tools for managing stress, improving attitude and building a happier and more fulfilling life. “THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND” – SONGS OF SOCIAL JUSTICE / Marty Cohen, Ph.D America was and is a land of ideals, hopes, and promises. Some promises kept, others broken or not yet realized. Popular songs have captured the struggle for social justice, and we will hear and discuss several dozen examples in this course. Performers include Billie Holiday, Peter, Paul and Mary, Neil Diamond and Joni Mitchell. TITANS, ROBBER BARONS AND SCALLYWAGS (Parts 1 & 2) / Avery Fromet, J.D. America's great industry history was built on backs of commercial giants. Some were titans of industry. Others were robbers. And still others were just plain scallywags. We’ll discuss these men and their contributions to America's industrial might.

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